Created 26-Nov-23
Retama Village “Pets & People” mini photo session 2023. You may download your images right from your gallery or if you have problems just bring me a USB drive and I will copy them for you.
Mark & Laurie Kmieciak photographers & your event hosts.

Dani Davis & Koda

Visitors 6
22 photos
Created 3-Dec-23
Dani Davis & Koda

Randy, Lori, Neil, Abby, and Vinnie Meeks

Visitors 5
35 photos
Created 2-Dec-23
Randy, Lori, Neil, Abby, and Vinnie Meeks

Stephen Lutz Kiana Kivalina & Amari

Visitors 7
16 photos
Created 5-Dec-23
Stephen Lutz Kiana Kivalina & Amari

Pete & Barb Moe & Maggie

Visitors 3
19 photos
Created 3-Dec-23
Pete & Barb Moe & Maggie

Rob & Irene Glanville & Hone

Visitors 5
17 photos
Created 3-Dec-23
Rob & Irene Glanville & Hone

Ken & Kay Driscoll & Charlie

Visitors 9
14 photos
Created 3-Dec-23
Ken & Kay Driscoll & Charlie

Kevin and Judy w/Ginger

Visitors 11
16 photos
Created 3-Dec-23
Kevin and Judy w/Ginger

Ann Perrin and Tuda

Visitors 10
15 photos
Created 4-Dec-23
Ann Perrin and Tuda

Jim and Nancy Hand with Bubba

Visitors 4
19 photos
Created 4-Dec-23
Jim and Nancy Hand with Bubba

Rod & Cheryl Mees, Lily, and Rocky

Visitors 5
15 photos
Created 4-Dec-23
Rod & Cheryl Mees, Lily, and Rocky

Chris and Coco Atkinson & Brandy

Visitors 3
17 photos
Created 4-Dec-23
Chris and Coco Atkinson & Brandy

Pat & Carl Rukavina & Hershey

Visitors 4
13 photos
Created 4-Dec-23
Pat & Carl Rukavina & Hershey

Julia and John Hanley with Bella & Dexter

Visitors 4
16 photos
Created 4-Dec-23
Julia and John Hanley with Bella & Dexter

Skip and Jane Loman with Molly

Visitors 4
15 photos
Created 5-Dec-23
Skip and Jane Loman with Molly

Sharon and Charles Reif with Raven

Visitors 4
13 photos
Created 5-Dec-23
Sharon and Charles Reif with Raven

Ken & Nadene with Bella and Arlo

Visitors 3
16 photos
Created 5-Dec-23
Ken & Nadene with Bella and Arlo

Connie and Lyle Oliver

Visitors 3
19 photos
Created 5-Dec-23
Connie and Lyle Oliver

Molly & Larry Franklin CJ and Kaydi

Visitors 4
15 photos
Created 5-Dec-23
Molly & Larry Franklin  CJ and Kaydi

Carol, Ian, and Murphy MacKinnon

Visitors 3
29 photos
Created 19-Feb-24
Carol, Ian, and Murphy MacKinnon